Thursday, October 6, 2011

35 Weeks: Aches, Pain, and Preterm Labor Scares

This has been an interesting week so far.  At some point on Saturday I felt like the baby moved into my pelvis.  At 35 weeks pregnant with my fifth child, I began to feel slightly concerned.  Some Braxton Hicks contractions started, but this time, they were strong.  I knew this was not labor, but could easily be confused with early labor.  Some were three minutes apart, and others were five.  Each contraction was fairly painless, but there was a little more pressure than I was used to.  It was nice to have my midwife appointment a few days later where I found out what was going on.  I am 2 cm dilated, but this could stay the same for weeks.  I have read lots of stories about women who are walking around dilated to a 5 for weeks.  So much about the last phases of birth are different for every woman.  People like to think there is a perfect formula, but there is not.  I have had four children and nothing has been exactly the same with each pregnancy.  What I can say is one does not want to mess around with having a baby sooner than 37 weeks.  Any questions are worth asking.

With two of my previous pregnancies I have gone into the hospital before birth time to make sure a baby was not born too early.  One time I had some shots that seemed to work and the second time I was working with a midwife who had me taking wild yam to slow down my uterus.  Sometimes all that is going on is an overactive uterus, but it is great to be safe.  I am thankful that none of my babies have been born before 37 weeks (my first child was born at 37 weeks though).  Unfortunately, sometimes one does everything and still has the baby.  

So here I am cutting back activities and praying a lot when I feel stronger contractions.  So far, so good.  Not patterns and nothing extended like actual labor.  It is nice to know what labor really feels like or I would be less calm at this point.  A midwife will not deliver a baby at home until 37 weeks, and our little hospital in town wants one to be 36 weeks.  If all goes the way my last births have been, I have a scare around this time and then make it to 38 weeks.  That would be ideal.

Lets face it, the end of pregnancy is filled with mixed feelings.  It would be nice to be able to get in and out of bed without feeling like my pelvis is going to break in half.  I am feeling limited movement due to my GIANT belly.  My kids are starting for act more anxious because the younger ones sense the baby is coming and my older ones just know how these things work.  I wish I could say I grin and enjoy these frustrating moments, but my temper toward the end of pregnancy seems to be similar to a teenager during early puberty.  It is kind of sad, crying one minute and screaming the next.  With all my kids fighting much more in the background, I long for silent time every second of the day.  

Meanwhile, I am getting out supplies for the birth and trying to fit tiny clothes in random drawers in the house.  We are running out of room.  I have limited myself to the smallest size clothing, receiving blankets, spit rags, baby towels and diapers.  I usually like to be more prepared but space and energy are not permitting it this time.  I am also preparing for my midwife's home visit and really realizing that in a few weeks I will no longer be pregnant.  This pregnancy has gone by so quickly, but at the same time I have felt like I will be pregnant forever!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there friend! I'm praying for you to experience God's grace today and during these last few weeks as you prepare for the new one. I hope Tim will have some time off too to help out.
