Monday, October 31, 2011

39 Weeks : Baby Shower

When a friend of mine wanted to plan a baby shower for me a few days before I was going to be 39 weeks pregnant, I was certain my baby would be in attendance.  This is the first time I have been pregnant for this long.  My longest pregnancy in the past was 38 weeks and 4 days.  I know to most people I should not be complaining.  A lot of people go to 42 weeks, but for my tiny frame, space is running out.  The baby's head is so low, I dream about giving birth without realizing it.  Plus, I look the way most women look at 40 plus weeks.  No clothing fits and I cannot imagine this lasting much longer.

Enough of the complaining though.  I think I was supposed to go to my shower still pregnant.  It was such a blessing to me.  All this time, I have spent a lot of my pregnancy feeling isolated and disconnected.  It is hard to venture out of the house with three to four kids.  This last trimester my mom has been sick and in bed for almost three months.  I was afraid she would not be able to be involved with the birth.  So on top of not leaving my house much, my family dinners once a weeks were canceled and I spent my main social time on the phone.  This is basically what kept me feeling like a part of the rest of the world during this time.  My shower gave me a level of confidence, love, and support that I did not realize I needed.

Since I have four kids already, the shower was for me.  We had treats and sat drinking tea.  My favorite moments in life have been sitting around drinking tea with friends and family.  There was one fun game, but a lot of the time was devoted to blessing.  It was great, because blessed I was.  It has been ages since I have received prayer from a group of strong Christian women.  As they all prayed for me in turn I realized that everything I was struggling with was taken care of.  Each person's prayer matched with something I needed prayer for without me saying a word.  I felt at peace, relaxed, and released to really accept getting ready for this baby.  It has been challenging to think that a fifth child will fit in our home.  Our car will be filled and puzzled pieced together creatively with car seats.  Every time I walk past the birth tub I think about how nice it will be to finally get rid of it and have my room back, instead of focusing on how great it will be to have a baby in it. (Last time the birth tub really made the experience something I can barely describe with words.)  A part of me still does not feel like I will really have another baby in a few days.  I am thankful for these extra days of full nights of sleep and more time for me, but I also look forward to meeting my new baby. 

So as I trek into the unknown weeks for pregnancy, the ones I never thought I would experience, I am learning about not worrying so much.  If my labor is fast I need to accept that and if it is slow I need to figure out a way to cherish it.  This is much more easier said than done of course.  My cranky attitude is creeping up an me constantly.  A friend told me yesterday that the baby that took 42 weeks to come out is a very calm and peaceful child.  How much does the baby's personality play into his or her entry to the world?  I know I had so many struggles with the birth of my third child, but he is the one that runs up to everyone and hugs them.  He is loving and gentle and people have asked to borrow him.  So as I grow frustrated by the day, it is nice to think, maybe this baby is just happy and relaxed inside my belly. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

38 Weeks: The Waiting Game

This pregnancy I cannot believe I actually made it this long!  I know I feel ready around thirty seven weeks most pregnancies, but this time I was even having so many practice contractions.  Now here I am in what I like to refer to as the eye of the storm.  All the practice contractions of settled down and the only sign they ever existed is the fact that I have a baby's head literally between my legs.  I asked my midwife jokingly how much lower the head could really get?  It is already hindering my ability to lift up my legs.  I only experienced this one other time, with my second child.  We will have to wait and see how this works during actual labor, because at this point I feel like a time bomb.

Our room is fully ready for the birth now.  We put together the birth tub and even filled it a couple of nights ago, when I was sure I was going to have my baby.  Last night we emptied the tub again.  In some ways I am glad we went through all of this because the tub we have this time around is a bit smaller than our last one and we realized we will need way less time to fill it.  I think it will only take about an hour.  Now I am less worried about filling to tub before I give birth. 

For the last two nights we have been sleeping on a shower curtain.  Let me back up, for the birth, we have one set of clean sheets on our bed, a shower curtain, and then an old set of sheets on top of that.  I keep thinking we should just get rid of the plastic layer and the old sheet set until I really feel labor, but there is a comfort in knowing I will not be getting up in the middle of the night, in labor, to remake my bed for the birth.  So this is a mini debate in my head at this point.

We already ate all the crackers I bought for labor, but that is alright, we can buy some more.  Our house is messy again, and with four kids, keeping the place as clean as I am going to want it for the birth is just about impossible.  I have settled a little bit for trying to go to bed with the floors and the counters in my kitchen clean.  Our bedroom, where we plan to give birth, is easier to keep clean, but full of birth supplies.  Last time around I some how managed to get the house spotless just hours before my water broke, so maybe there is still some hope?

Now that the birth is so close it is hard to think about anything else.  I have been working with two different midwives this pregnancy as one of them is on a trip until later this week.  It is strange picturing my birth two different ways.  In the hospital there is always a chance your doctor might not be on call, but with midwives there is a special kind of connection that happens between the mother and the midwife and the baby and the midwife.  I guess it all depends on when the baby is ready.  In the past, I have had my babies around 38 weeks and 4 days.  So that means Friday, but babies tend to come when they want to and the formula is unpredictable. 

My kids are great at asking me daily when the baby will come out and if it is today.  The two older kids want to see the baby come out.  This is the first time they have been old enough to ask.  I am not sure how I feel about this.  It could be great, or really stressful for me to have them there.  Even though I have been through this so many times, labor is labor and I like having my husband to myself and QUIET.  I do know plenty of people who have their children at the birth and think it could be really special for them.  I know that we have all gone through this pregnancy together and the kids have been just as present in the entire process. 

The perfect birth situation at this point for me would be to have the baby in the night when all the kids are sleeping.  Then they could wake up to the surprise of our new family member.  That would be so great.  Again, if only it were that simple.  I have had one baby first thing in the morning, two of the just before midnight, and one around dinner time. 

Waiting only gets more and more interesting the more times I go through this.  I have too much to compare too at this point.  I know this labor will surprise me and be different for all the others somehow.  The pregnancy already is.  It is amazing how different every child is, making each birth unique.  When birth is thought of as a scientific formula, one misses the mystery of it all.  Even though I hope for certain things to be like past births, I look forward to seeing how different it can be this time around. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

37 Weeks: False Labor

I HATE the term false labor.  It is a great way to discourage a woman who has felt signs of labor for hours, days, or even weeks.  Every other movie with a birth scene shows a mother going to the hospital and being told she is not in labor or the labor is going slowly.  Some of this is true, most of it is guess work.  I am a woman with lots and lots of contractions throughout pregnancy.  I started feeling Braxton Hicks contractions around twenty weeks this pregnancy.  Let's just say the uterus is a smart muscle and it knows it needs a good workout before the main show-the birth.

As my pregnancies come close to the end I tend to experience chunks of time with fairly strong feeling contractions.  I know it is not active labor at this point because those contractions are much more intense, but there is a distinct point in labor when Braxton Hicks contractions switch over to the kind of contractions leading up to the birth.  With my second child, I knew my contractions just felt different.  My whole self felt different.  This was the only pregnancy I really felt a sense of understanding as to what was happening to me.  Since then it has all been guess work.

With my third child, I thought the contraction shift had happened, but when I got the the hospital everything would stop.  This happened several times.  It is hard to tell if I was not really in labor, or if I experiencing a strong level of stress and anxiety at the hospital, causing my body to stop the labor.  As I have mentioned in one of my previous posts, my third labor and delivery left me feeling very discouraged.  I think that if I had pressed the doctors, my 'false labor' would not have gone on for five days.  From my experiences, labor takes two things, an active uterus ready for the birth and lots of strong encouragement.  It does not matter how many children a person has, labor is still a mystery and different every time.  I have felt a couple of similarities, but not that many.

By the time I was getting ready to deliver my fourth child, I found myself in a situation where it was too early for me to be in labor.  I was 36 weeks, so my baby would have been alright, but I wanted to be careful.  When I started to feel my contractions in my legs as well as my back and stomach, I went into the hospital.  Everything stopped, just like with my third child.  Why was my body stopping and starting so much?  This was a very frustrating process.  After all the contractions this time I ended up having my baby two weeks later! 

With this baby I am sitting around with the same kind of feeling.  I have had contractions for weeks, but none of them have shifted into active labor.  When I have been afraid of preterm labor, I have been checked and there are minor cervical changes going on.  I would not call this labor, but I would also not call this false labor.  If I were to define what was happening, I would say, my body was still working hard preparing for the birth.  False labor implies nothing is happening and the mother is dumb to assume anything is.  

As one can see through my experiences, not one labor is a like.  There has not been a distinct pattern.  Labor is not text book science as far as I am concerned.  The pattern I do see is doctors discouraging women who actually think they are in labor to go home.  I have heard hospital nurses telling women that they should not be in so much pain because their cervix is showing very little change.  How can anyone really determine this?  Many women rush to epidurals, just because of little moments like these.  If a nurse were to say something like, let's wait and see what your body is doing and maybe put some belief into a woman's intuition, it would be nice.   With my second child a nurse did this for me and it gave me my dream birth.  When the doctor told me things could go either way, she encouraged me to listen to myself.  This encouraged me so much, I had the baby a couple of hours later.

Having a labor that progresses is more complex than just contractions.  The mental state of the mother determines whether or not she feels comfortable enough to have the contractions.  Let's face it, if one were to compare birth the sex, then the way most births are treated are closer to rape situations than anything else.  Birth is a sacred time, not something to just get over with.  Yes, it may be a hassle to deliver a baby at 3AM, but at least the mom got to reap the reward of giving birth naturally.  This may cause less problems later for mom and baby.  I am no doctor, but I do know that through my last four experiences and into this fifth pregnancy, I am glad that there are midwives who allow uninterrupted births to happen and in every hospital there are some nurses and doctors who actually encourage women to stick to their own desires for a natural birth. 

**P.S.**  Part of the problem is trying to figure out when to go to the hospital.  If other women are like me, I do not want to go in when my contractions make it impossible to move, so it is easy to end up there too early.  Since I have started to have my babies at home, the stress of moving in the middle of labor is eliminated leaving the labor to progress more naturally.  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

36 Weeks: Preparing for the Unkown

Now I am really thinking about my life with five kids.  Do you ever feel like you will be pregnant forever?  This is how I feel during the day.  In someways I have been pregnant for longer than the average person.  Yes there have been a few months of breaks in between these last three children, but I have yet to remember what it is like to be me.  I am pretty sure I will never be the me I was before having kids, but some sense of life beyond being pregnant all the time might be nice.  I think people see me and forget that just like anyone else, being pregnant is a mixed bag of emotions no matter how many times I have been pregnant.

My main goal this pregnancy is keeping the whole situation real and trying to make it as memorable as possible.  With all of our kids we have done things slightly differently, but this time I feel like it is easy to slip away into a world where I am just pregnant.  I know this makes very little sense, I am just so used to feeling much more anticipation toward the birth of my new baby at this point.  Does this mean I am not bonding with my baby?  I do not think that is the case, I just think I have been through this whole process so many times.  I do not want to loose the sense of awe in it all.

First time moms notice all the changes from a growing belly to the first kicks.  I know these moments so well that maybe I do not treasure them enough.  Baby stuff is just a part of life at this point.  However, there is always one thing that changes with the birth of each child.  What will I do with one more person in the house?  How will the other kids feel about the new baby?  Will this child like sleep as much as I do?  Yes, this new personality is unpredictable and extremely special.

Not knowing the gender of my baby has been more challenging than I thought.  With the baby almost due I would normally feel settled on a name by now, but that is something I cannot control at this point.  We have a list and top choices.  A part of me feels less connected to him or her, but at the same time I feel really connected.  It is a strange feeling.  Gender defines so much of an identity, right down to the name.  I thought I would be more anxious about knowing what I was having, but I feel quite calm.  Several people think it is a girl, including my daughter.  She already refers to the baby as a she and I have to keep telling her that it could be a he.  All I get in response is a grin and ,"No mommy, I want it to be a girl."  I wonder if she has a gut feeling about this?

I think about labor and how I want it to be this time.  This is the first time I have very little expectations for it to be like any of my other births.  The last couple of times I expected a birth as easy as the one with my second child, but that has not really happened.  This time I just want it to be a peaceful, loving experience.  I am trying not to be stressed out about what to do with my four other kids.  What if it is a quick labor and they just happen to be at our house?  Would that be so bad?  Could I focus on birthing a child with some of my kids racing around the house fighting in the background?  I want to be mentally prepared for anything, but who can really know?  All I know is I am thankful for the work my body has been able to do in the past during labor and I pray for strength to enjoy going through it over again.

And when this beautiful child appears I know we will find a way to add him and her into our lives as if we had always had this baby around.  I look forward to meeting you baby...hopefully not too soon.  One more week until it is safe to have a homebirth.  Then I can finally relax.  In the meantime, it is time to iron sheets and baby blankets.  I still cannot believe I get to give birth again.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cloth Diapers

Here is my stash of newborn diapers.  I am looking forward to trying them.  Hopefully all my sewing will pay off.  Also shown are Kissaluvs hemp fitted diapers.  These are my favorite newborn diapers.

35 Weeks: Aches, Pain, and Preterm Labor Scares

This has been an interesting week so far.  At some point on Saturday I felt like the baby moved into my pelvis.  At 35 weeks pregnant with my fifth child, I began to feel slightly concerned.  Some Braxton Hicks contractions started, but this time, they were strong.  I knew this was not labor, but could easily be confused with early labor.  Some were three minutes apart, and others were five.  Each contraction was fairly painless, but there was a little more pressure than I was used to.  It was nice to have my midwife appointment a few days later where I found out what was going on.  I am 2 cm dilated, but this could stay the same for weeks.  I have read lots of stories about women who are walking around dilated to a 5 for weeks.  So much about the last phases of birth are different for every woman.  People like to think there is a perfect formula, but there is not.  I have had four children and nothing has been exactly the same with each pregnancy.  What I can say is one does not want to mess around with having a baby sooner than 37 weeks.  Any questions are worth asking.

With two of my previous pregnancies I have gone into the hospital before birth time to make sure a baby was not born too early.  One time I had some shots that seemed to work and the second time I was working with a midwife who had me taking wild yam to slow down my uterus.  Sometimes all that is going on is an overactive uterus, but it is great to be safe.  I am thankful that none of my babies have been born before 37 weeks (my first child was born at 37 weeks though).  Unfortunately, sometimes one does everything and still has the baby.  

So here I am cutting back activities and praying a lot when I feel stronger contractions.  So far, so good.  Not patterns and nothing extended like actual labor.  It is nice to know what labor really feels like or I would be less calm at this point.  A midwife will not deliver a baby at home until 37 weeks, and our little hospital in town wants one to be 36 weeks.  If all goes the way my last births have been, I have a scare around this time and then make it to 38 weeks.  That would be ideal.

Lets face it, the end of pregnancy is filled with mixed feelings.  It would be nice to be able to get in and out of bed without feeling like my pelvis is going to break in half.  I am feeling limited movement due to my GIANT belly.  My kids are starting for act more anxious because the younger ones sense the baby is coming and my older ones just know how these things work.  I wish I could say I grin and enjoy these frustrating moments, but my temper toward the end of pregnancy seems to be similar to a teenager during early puberty.  It is kind of sad, crying one minute and screaming the next.  With all my kids fighting much more in the background, I long for silent time every second of the day.  

Meanwhile, I am getting out supplies for the birth and trying to fit tiny clothes in random drawers in the house.  We are running out of room.  I have limited myself to the smallest size clothing, receiving blankets, spit rags, baby towels and diapers.  I usually like to be more prepared but space and energy are not permitting it this time.  I am also preparing for my midwife's home visit and really realizing that in a few weeks I will no longer be pregnant.  This pregnancy has gone by so quickly, but at the same time I have felt like I will be pregnant forever!