Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 2 Postpartum: Lack of Sleep

This has been a full week of sleeping very little at night and trying to catch up with odd naps when my baby is sleeping.  She sleeps great most of the day so I can take a nap in the morning or the afternoon or recently I have just been sleeping in until eight A.M.  There was a time in my life when eight A.M. was actually early for me, but those days were gone after I gave birth to my first child.  So here I am hoping I am averaging about six hours of sleep in a twenty-four hour period of time.  I seem to be functioning and not too overly emotional.  Thanks to my loving husband I have been off the hook for most of my motherly duties and I am soaking up a lot of the rest and relaxation still.  He will probably be picking up more work this coming week, but it worked out well have a baby so close to Thanksgiving, so there is even more time to rest.

With all my  great 'free' time, now I use this lightly since I am taking care of an infant around the clock, I keep picturing recipes I want to make and projects I want to work on.  It is like I am back in the second trimester of pregnancy where I need/want to nest as much as possible.  Now that my baby is here and I know she is a girl I want to take care of all the stuff I did not want to do before I knew the gender of my child.  I am caught up in designing headbands and fun girl extras.  My mind is back to pink, it is not difficult to be back to pink since my last baby was a girl too.  I am enjoying gifts people did not want to purchase without knowing the gender of our baby too.

In the back of my mind I know that this first month, recovery month, will be over faster than I can imagine.  Bria is already starting to look less like a newborn and more like a baby everyday.  It is hard for me to admit I need to slow down and just enjoy this time.  This time around my body is forcing me to since I cannot really lift my two year old or even my sixteen month old without feeling some pain afterwards.  Let's face it, we were designed to lift our newborns right after birth.  House work does not seem to be a difficult, but I know I need to wait on many of the tasks I would like to be doing.  If the kitchen floor is not spotless, that is not the end of the world.  If the laundry gets backed up, it bothers me, but not really anyone else.  I like to be ahead of the mess, but that is not as important as I think it is. 

I tell myself this just as much as other people, ENJOY the will not be long before the expectations of motherhood will set in again.  :)

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